Featured Lender: Cash USA
Yet Another Lender that Promises Credit for all Credit Types
Whether you need to consolidate debt, remodel your home, or take a vacation, a personal loan from CashUSA may be a viable option. CashUSA.com can help you secure a loan of up to $10,000 in just three easy steps. Plus, the service is free to use, you can request again any time, and it is completely up to you whether or not to accept the loan you are offered.
So What are the Requirements?
Before applying we recommend that you meet the basic eligibility requirements below. We try and provide these with our offers, so you are not wasting your time and you aren’t having your credit pulled if you have no chance of getting approved.
– You must be an American citizen or permanent resident over the age of 18
– Have an income of at least $1000 a month
– Have a working email account
– Have a checking account where funds can be deposited
The Bottom Line
Do they live up to their claims? Early results look promising. Many of our members have been approved for loans and that number is increasing every day. Are there any guarantees here…absolutely not! Also keep in mind that a low credit score and a troubled credit file will result in higher APRs and lower loan amounts. Finally, as with all loans, please read all terms and conditions thoroughly and be sure you have a rock-solid repayment plan before you ever apply so that you don’t end up on the dreaded credit hamster wheel.
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